Keys and scales 3A: Different minors
Topic outline
With this course you can practise:
- All keys
- 3 minor scales
Recommended to study before this course:
- Keys and scales 2B
- All keys
Key signatures of all majors and relative minor keys/scales.
G major
E minorD major
B minorA major
F# minorE major
C# minorB major
G# minorF# major
D# minorC# major
A# minorF major
D minorBb major
G minorEb major
C minorAb major
F minorDb major
Bb minorGb major
Eb minorCb major
Ab minorLocation of sharps and flats on F clef:
The distance between tonic notes is P5.The relative minor scale starts in the sixth note or degree of the major scale.
Natural minor
Harmonic minor, 7. degree raised
Melodic minor, 6. and 7. degree raised