Topic outline

  • Welcome!

    With this course you can practise:

    • All keys
    • 3 minor scales

    Recommended to study before this course:

    • Keys and scales 2B

  • Keys

    Key signatures of all majors and relative minor keys/scales.

    G major
    E minor
    D major
    B minor
    A major
    F# minor
    E major
    C# minor
    B major
    G# minor
    F# major
    D# minor
    C# major
    A# minor
    F major
    D minor
    Bb major
    G minor
    Eb major
    C minor
    Ab major
    F minor
    Db major
    Bb minor
    Gb major
    Eb minor
    Cb major
    Ab minor

    Location of sharps and flats on F clef:

    The distance between tonic notes is P5.

     The relative minor scale starts in the sixth note or degree of the major scale. 

  • Three minor scales

    Natural minor

    Harmonic minor, 7. degree raised 

    Melodic minor, 6. and 7. degree raised