Notes 1A: Sound and note
Topic outline
With this course you learn something about
- sound, pitch, note names
Sound is mechanic vibration that oscillates at a frequency within the range of the (human) ear.
Recurrent, regular pressure variations produce distinct tones with an observable musical pitch.
Pitch is the quality that makes it possible to judge sounds as "higher" and "lower" in the sense associated with musical melodies.
There are four fundamental properties of musical tones: pitch, duration, loudness/dynamics and timbre/tone color.
It's important to know note names even if you don't try to learn read musical notation. The chords and key signatures are important parts of music, and are based on note names.
Note names are: C D E F G A B
In Finland, Scandinavia and Deutchland names are usually: C D E F G A H
Fluent management of note sequences helps learning of music theory.
Stydy following sequences:
- c d e f g a b
- c b a g f e d
- c e g b d f a
- c a f d b g e
- c f b e a d g
- c g d a e b f
The staff comprises usually five lines. Small ledger lines above or below the staff are also used when necessary.
In the beginning of the staff is a clef.
In the example below is four clefs: Treble clef (G-clef), alto clef, tenor clef and bass clef (F-clef). The use of different clefs makes it possible to write music for all instruments and voices, regardless of differences in note range (without too much ledger lines).