Topic outline

  • Welcome!

    With this course you can practise:

    • Major melodies do-re-mi, do-mi-so

    Recommended to study before this course:

    • Rhythm 1A

  • Pitches

    In music, the pitch of a note means how high or low the note is.

    For example, the piano keyboard has low notes on the left and high notes on the right.

    Try the piano keyboard exercise below.

  • Tonic

    In music, the tonic note is the first note in a diatonic scale. It is the tonal centre, or the tone on which the music sounds finished. All other notes in a piece of music use the tonic note as a reference point. The tonic is always numbered as one. Song melodies usually end on tonic.

    In Movable do, or tonic sol-fa, each syllable corresponds to a scale degree. The tonic is DO. The whole scale is do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-(do).

    Listen the examples below.

  • Three notes: 1-2-3 / do-re-mi

    Let's practice melodies including three notes: 1-2-3 or do-re-mi.

    There's some example songs below.

  • Tonic chord: do-mi-so

    The triad, or chord, based on the tonic note, is the tonic chord. It includes notes 1, 3 and 5. Tonic triad is also melodic structure.

    Listen this example: